Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Saving money

Over the past 12 months, I have had a long list of expenses I never ever had pre-baby. Here are some of the ways I have saved money:

Facebook! If I needed a piece of furniture, baby clothes, services, the first place I go is facebook. I post in my status whatever I'm looking for to reach 200+ friends to see if anyone has the item. That way I either get it for free or very cheap. Also when I know Shaun and I plan on going out, I go to the companies facebook/website to see if they have any "Like us" deals.

Craigslist/Ebay! One recent example: Jacoby just started eating baby food, and WIC provides 32 jars of baby food every month to us. In three months, we have to turn in our pay stubs again, and I don't think we will be able to renew our WIC. At .59 cents or more a jar, it is going to get expensive. So, on a whim, I got on Craigslist to see if anyone was selling baby food. Sure enough, a lady who's daughter did not like baby food was selling 128 jars of unexpired stage 2 baby food and 4 boxes of unopened cereal for 25 bucks. That's over 50 dollars worth of food. Needless to say, we will not have to buy baby food for quite some time and even then, we are going to make his food at home instead of buying it, so I am saving up the jars.

Company websites! Beechnut, gerber, pampers, similac, parents choice, etc etc. Most baby brand websites offer free formula, baby food, diapers, and wipes samples. Granted it usually takes 4-10 weeks for delivery of these samples so I don't really rely on this, but it is something nice to have on hand. I sign up at daily sample websites such as, and they send me daily sample emails. These websites usually have great coupons.

Yahoo Freecycle! This is one of my favorites because I LOVE free stuff. Who doesn't? It is similar to Craigslist except everything is free. It is basically like a free, local thrift store. Used clothes, furniture, household items, baby stuff, electronics, you name it, just email the person, and pick it up. To join, just go to yahoo groups and search for Freecycle (your location). For example, I live in Middletown, Ohio so I would search Freecycle Middletown, Ohio. You can also search surrounding areas. Got stuff you want to get rid of but don't want to throw away? You can also offer your free items as well. Examples of things we have gotten: baby clothes, bed frame, a large computer desk, an old treadmill, furniture (extensively checked for bugs).
Here is their website, search for your area and they will give the link to the yahoo group

Kids resale stores! Gently used baby/kids clothes/items at unbelievable prices. I recently bought my son 15 outfits for 25 bucks at Once Upon A Child. It's as easy as googling resale stores in your area. I especially love that our Once Upon A Child is right next door to Platos Closet, where mommy can treat herself to a little   cheap shopping as well.

Last but not least, coupon sites. is the best, all others just seem like copycats and have the same coupons. I'm not an extreme couponer by any means, but right before I go grocery shopping, I scan that week's coupons to see if I can use any of them.

I hope I've been of some help to anyone trying to save some money!


Moving Forward said...

GREAT info! I'm keeping this post in mind when it's my turn to have babies.

ProudMomma said...

Freecycle is still great for people without kids :)