Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So I'm checking out at Kroger, and I have a month's supply of formula that WIC supplies me. Just making conversation like I always do, I say to the cashier,

"I can't believe he eats all this plus baby food and cereal"
She replys,
"Yeah I know, it's crazy"

Simple everyday small talk between cashier and customer. Then this pompous @$$hole behind me says,

"You know you wouldn't have to get all that if you did it the old-fashioned way" What?!?!?! 
Me- "Well I did breastfeed for a little while but had to quit when I started working." Don't you think that would have shut him up? But no, he says:

"Well my wife would freeze her breast milk when she went back to work."
Me- "Well to keep up your supply, you have to pump every 2-3 hours, and I couldn't do that in a 9 hour shift where I worked. As long as my son is getting fed, I think it is okay." Conversation over? Nope. And then he replies:

"Well you could say you're going to the bathroom." Are you effing serious dude? Why don't you mind your own business? Where does this guy thinks he has the right to say anything about how I feed my child. Screw you. 

On a brighter note, look we matched yesterday!


Roxie said...

Seriously!! I can't believe that someone would do that!! How rude!! I would not have been a very nice person to this man!!

ProudMomma said...

I know right?? I think I was just so stunned that someone wud say that.